Descriere produs

Cheburashka reprezinta un lestaj special care se adauga la naluci moi, ancore, carlige simple sau carlige offset Spre deosebire de jigurile clasice, cheburashtele au marele avantaj de a permite nalucii sa evolueze mai natural, fara a alinia carligul cu greutatea propriu zisa. 

Conexiunea cu carligul offset (sau ancora) se face cu ajutorul unei sarme interioare curbate. In partea opusa, agatam agrafa de care am legat firul principal. 

Este recomandat pentru pescuitul la biban, pastrav, salau sau stiuca.

Specificatii tehnice:

  • Culoare: Natur
  • Material: Plumb
  • Agrafa solida curbata pentru fixare

Cod Pret recomandat Pret/Unitate tip marime mod ambalare
59112-103 KAMASAKI CHEBURASHKA 3G There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.00 RON 1.33 RON/DB Cheburashka3 g3 buc
59112-104 KAMASAKI CHEBURASHKA 4G There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.00 RON 1.33 RON/DB Cheburashka4 g3 buc
59112-105 KAMASAKI CHEBURASHKA 5G There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.00 RON 1.33 RON/DB Cheburashka5 g3 buc
59112-106 KAMASAKI CHEBURASHKA 6G There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.00 RON 1.33 RON/DB Cheburashka6 g3 buc
59112-107 KAMASAKI CHEBURASHKA 7G 4.00 RON 1.33 RON/DB Cheburashka7 g3 buc
59112-108 KAMASAKI CHEBURASHKA 8G There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.00 RON 1.33 RON/DB Cheburashka8 g3 buc
59112-110 KAMASAKI CHEBURASHKA 10G There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.00 RON 1.33 RON/DB Cheburashka10 g3 buc
59112-112 KAMASAKI CHEBURASHKA 12G There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.00 RON 1.33 RON/DB Cheburashka12 g3 buc
59112-114 KAMASAKI CHEBURASHKA 14G There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.50 RON 1.5 RON/DB Cheburashka14 g3 buc
59112-116 KAMASAKI CHEBURASHKA 16G There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 5.00 RON 1.67 RON/DB Cheburashka16 g3 buc

9.50 lei
11.00 lei
11.00 lei
7.00 lei
14.00 lei
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