Descriere produs

Jigurile speciale care imita forma unui cap de peste adauga un plus de naturalete unei naluci siliconice pe care o vom folosi in pescuitul salaului. Folosirea unor bile de jig colorate a fost un obicei pe care cei doi consultanti maghiari il aveau de mai bine de un deceniu. Upgradarea cu realizarea unui lestaj care sa imite perfect capul unui peste momeala a fost un plus, care, dupa numeroase zile petrecute pe apa, s-a dovedit a fi extrem de eficient, indiferent de specia vizata. 

Forma jigului este de tip Stand-up, adica are o stabilitate excelenta pe substrat, prezentand coada nalucii siliconice in sus, permitand totodata o aspiratie perfecta a nalucii. In curent constant de apa, aceste capete vor face, fara doar si poate, diferenta, coada avand libertate de miscare permanenta. In acest sens, consulantii L&K recomanda folosirea cu incredere a modelelor plutitoare de naluci siliconice. 

Contraspinul plasat sub tija centrala va mentine ferm orice naluca, fara sa o deterioreze. Deschiderea curburii jigului propriu-zis este larga si previne pierderea pestelui, chiar si in drilurile cele mai furibunde. 

Cod Pret recomandat Marime Dimensiune carlig Mod ambalare
59102-500 L&K JIG HEAD FISH HEAD 1 3g 2buc/plic There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 12.50 RON 3 g12 buc/plic
59102-505 L&K JIG HEAD FISH HEAD 1/0 3g 2buc/plic There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 12.50 RON 3 g1/02 buc/plic
59102-510 L&K JIG HEAD FISH HEAD 2/0 6g 2buc/plic There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 12.50 RON 6 g2/02 buc/plic
59102-515 L&K JIG HEAD FISH HEAD 3/0 6g 2buc/plic There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 12.50 RON 6 g3/02 buc/plic
59102-520 L&K JIG HEAD FISH HEAD 4/0 6g 2buc/plic There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 12.50 RON 6 g4/02 buc/plic
59102-525 L&K JIG HEAD FISH HEAD 5/0 6g 2buc/plic There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 12.50 RON 6 g5/02 buc/plic
59102-530 L&K JIG HEAD FISH HEAD 2/0 9g 2buc/plic There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 12.50 RON 9 g2/02 buc/plic
59102-535 L&K JIG HEAD FISH HEAD 3/0 9g 2buc/plic There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 12.50 RON 9 g3/02 buc/plic
59102-540 L&K JIG HEAD FISH HEAD 4/0 9g 2buc/plic There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 13.00 RON 9 g4/02 buc/plic
59102-545 L&K JIG HEAD FISH HEAD 2/0 12g 2buc/plic There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 12.50 RON 12 g2/02 buc/plic
59102-550 L&K JIG HEAD FISH HEAD 3/0 12g 2buc/plic There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 12.50 RON 12 g3/02 buc/plic
59102-555 L&K JIG HEAD FISH HEAD 4/0 12g 2buc/plic There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 12.50 RON 12 g4/02 buc/plic

Cap Twister Natur
2.10 lei
Mormaste si dandinete
12.00 lei
JigHead VMC
1.00 lei
13.00 lei
9.40 lei
Nu sunt articole asociate produsului
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